The South Carolina Maritime Foundation (SCMF) is a non-profit group that owns and operates the 140-foot tall ship Spirit of South Carolina - and all this week they are making daysails (voyages from 9 to 2) in the Charleston Harbor with 5th-graders from Whitesides Elementary School. The students will be learning about alternate energy sources when they witness the mainsail harness the power of the wind. The daysail classes are termed 'Sailing into Energy' and are just one facet of a grant awarded to Whitesides ( written by teacher Beth McCall) by BP's 'Sailing into Energy' program. Hands-on learning will be conducted on the Spirit daysails, and the knowledgeable crew is sure to share some history with the students concerning Charleston harbor and noteworthy events like the start of the Civil War at Fort Sumter. Fifth grade teacher McCall said, "This grant has our kids really thinking - from solar cooking to worm composting, and now sailing on a tall ship." When the students return to port they will make a powerpoint presentation to share with their parents and the rest of the Whitesides student body. For more information about how the SCMF is helping the community visit the Internet at www.SCMaritime.org .
To view past blog entries about the SCMF click here.