Thursday, November 7, 2013

Rice Trunks integral to managing waterfowl areas

Blue-winged teal rise up from the rice field when a small plane approaches

Plantation agriculture came into existence in the late 17th century when the cypress and tupelo forests along the coast were cut to make way for indigo production. Rice planting hit its high water mark before the 19th century rolled around. Today, these historic rice fields with their rice trunks are being used to provide habitat for ducks but actual rice production is mostly absent.
            Ross Catterton is the Area Manager for the Bear Island Wildlife Management Area (WMA), which has 5,500 acres of impoundments that are prepared each year for migratory waterfowl. “The rice trunk is the length of the embankment and has a door on the inside and a door on the outside that allows us to let water in or out as we desire," said Catterton. "I manage 28 separate impoundments that range from 30 acres to 500 acres and it all starts with rice trunks and flashboard risers to manage water levels and salinities. Essentially the rice trunk is a gravity-flow system because the water follows the laws of gravity during tidal changes.”
The rice trunk gate is integral to waterfowl management areas
            Having returned from a recent trip to Southwest Louisiana to observe a large rice production area at Grosse Savanne, I can relay that large tracts of rice still do attracts large amounts of waterfowl On October 8 I witnessed about 10,000 blue-winged teal using their 2500 contiguous acres of rice, which had already been harvested. However, with their warm and humid climate the rice is left to grow a second growth crop, which is a perfect scenario for the discerning hunters that visit their Lodge.
            This gathering of winged creatures was not limited to waterfowl, since both wading birds, shore birds and even songbirds joined in the fracas. Witnessing this type of migration stopover activity makes one want to give thanks to the Creator for both the habitat, and for the wildlife that uses it in this symphony of flight. Still, planting their rice each year is a test of fortitude and goes against the grain of economic viability, so credit is due to the Sweet Lake Land and Oil Company for their perseverance.
             Back in S.C. tales from the not too recent past of rice production still causes hearts to flutter when recalled. Dean Harrigal is the SCDNR waterfowl biologist and is based at Donnelly WMA. “The largest aggregation of wood ducks I have ever seen was in our inland impoundment one year it was planted in rice,” said Harrigal. “ It’s a little like watching fireworks because the ducks move in and the show is brilliant, but it doesn’t last that long before they have cleaned it out and move on. The number one crop for waterfowl today is corn, with Japanese millet a close second.”
            To plant corn and focus on growing panicum grasses, freshwater impoundment managers like Tadpole Baldwin at Pon Pon Plantation must draw down the water by spring in order to farm the land. Then they continue to keep the pond dry in summer to encourage growth of the panic grasses. In November they will manage the panicum by mowing or burning it – which makes it more desirable to waterfowl when flooded. Other plants prized by waterfowl found in the freshwater impoundments are smartweed and red root. The cost-effective management tool that makes all of this possible is the rice trunk, an ancient design that is hard to improve upon.

To view my feature article in the newspaper click on Charleston Mercury.

To view past blog entries about Bear Island WMA click duck hunting, deer hunting or bird watching.

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