Wednesday, April 30, 2014

2014 Colleton Soil and Water Conservation District Awards

Stephen and Emily Harter with daughter Emily
 and essay contest awards
Poster Contest Entry

One group in Colleton County that promotes the education of the public regarding conservation practices is the Colleton Soil and Water Conservation District. (CS&WCD) Each year they ask students in the County to participate in essay writing, photography and poster contests in order to address a certain topic. This year’s topic was Watershed awareness – asking the question Where Does Your Water Shed?
A director of the Willow Swamp watershed, Mr. John Holland Barnes, was recognized as the 2013 Conservationist of the Year at the CS&WCD dinner. Chairman Marion Rizer read a detailed statement about how Barnes had served his community for 50 years, and his son and Clemson extension agent Marion Barnes and wife Carmen were in attendance. We all live in a watershed of some kind, and their importance is heightened during wet years like 2013 when they greatly affect our natural resources.
2014 Winners!
Mr. Ralph Wilbanks was the guest speaker and he used his lifetime of underwater exploration to educate the audience about the 70th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France. Longtime CS&WCD commissioner I.M. Benton invited his old friend Mr. Wilbanks to speak when he learned that his Normandy findings will be on a PBS TV episode of NOVA to air on May 28 at 9 p.m.
Barnes family celebrates Conservation Award

To view this story in the newspaper click Colletonian.

To view past blog entries from the Colleton Soil and Water Awards click 20152013 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009

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