The S.C. Camo Coaltion held its annual membership meeting at Millaree Hunt Club near Columbia to discuss the upcoming legislative calendar year. The steering committee met before the general meeting where several politicians spoke, coming directly from a special session of the General Assembly dealing with the economic recession. Some of the priority bills that the camo coalition will be supporting is the S.452 Surface Water Permitting and Protection bill, H. 3723 the Prescribed Fire bill, and as usual full funding of the S.C. Conservation Bank will be sought. No bill for the formation of bear hunting is currently pending, but likely will be a hot topic in the near future. Most importantly, the Constitutional Amendment for the Right to Hunt and Fish is on the ballot for the Nov. 2, 2010 elections and needs to be supported by all wildlife enthusiasts. A special thanks goes to Marion Burnside for allowing the meeting to take place at the beautiful facility alongside Mill Creek.
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Photo by Jeff Dennis: Representative Jeff Duncan addresses the Camo Coalition members at Millaree Plantation, a chart of the many members of the Camo Coalition - are you present and accounted for?