Cardinals on 1/4/24 |
The First (official) Yemassee CBC took place on Jan. 4, 2024, after a test run in 2023. The Audubon Christmas Bird Count is an annual way to tabulate and record bird sightings on specific sites, and the Yemassee count includes both private and public lands. A very cold morning saw my team dispatched to cover
Buckfield WMA but first we stopped by a roadside marsh to count wood ducks in their pre-dawn flight, and counted about 125 woodies, plus one American woodcock.
Birders at Buckfield |
Fun CBC Factoids |
Driving through a mature pine forest we stopped at pre-scouted locations to look for woodpeckers, songbirds, raptors or anything with feathers. This team included four master naturalists so there were a few pauses to notice vegetation and other flora. Bachman's warbler, wilson's snipe, rusty blackbird and other hard to spot birds revealed themselves to us, but a barn owl that had been spotted the day before remained invisible to our search. A nearby duck impoundment yielded some green-winged teal sightings. The collaborative efforts of 30 birders in Yemassee identified 132 species for the count.
The CBC After-Party is hosted by Bray's Island |
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