Sunday, April 28, 2024

2024 Carolina Bird Club - Spring Meeting

Donnelly WMA birding on 4/26
The Spring meeting of the Carolina Bird Club came to Charleston April 26 - 28 and birders from across the Carolinas were in attendance. Beginning Friday morning, birders fanned out across the Lowcountry to known birding places up and down the coast. My job as leader at Donnelley WMA was to meet a party of 15 at 7:45 and show them the water features and birdy locales that I know on this property. Everyone was greeted by Wood Storks standing beside the road near the front gate, and it wasn't long and we saw a range of other birds such as summer tanager, mottled duck and anhinga. A cool morning with a strong breeze meant that everything was stirring and we experience the kind of magical day when 74 species were revealed to us by noon. On Friday afternoon, I joined a group of birders at Seabrook Island led by Judy Morr and we visited a rookery of herons that was exquisite, and included an osprey nest. 

Photographer making pics of Red Knots from a safe distance

To view past birding trips from 2024 click on Earth Day / Kiawah - Spring Island - Southeast Shorebird Festival - Hammock Coast Birding Festival - Huntington Beach State Park - Yawkey Center - Yemassee CBC - Edisto CBC 

Beautiful Bald Eagle with Nesting Material

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