Carolina Wren Family on Back Porch on June 6 |
May and June brought below normal precipitation and below normal temps across the Lowcountry. Of course with variable weather patterns, some areas experienced wet spells, but that was hit or miss. For example, Tropical storm Danny came ashore on June 29, but only one area received drenching downpours. Backyard birding conditions have been very good for the most part.
Baby birds are always part of the Spring equation, and I can usually count on bluebirds raising young in nest boxes and Carolina wrens nesting in hanging baskets. This year the wrens found their way into the back porch when the door was slightly open, and then they became a little frantic about finding their way out again. I observed four Carolina wrens inside the back porch, and could not go out the back door and allow them to enter the house, and compound the problem. Going out another door and walking around to open the back porch screen door was the winning solution to this first ever predicament.
Other observations include painted bunting, summer tanager, blue grosbeak, cardinal, mockingbird, brown thrasher, Carolina chickadee, blue jay, bluebird, red-headed woodpecker, red-bellied woodpecker, downy woodpecker, brown-headed cowbird, osprey, turkey vulture, swallow-tailed kite, bald eagle, blue gray gnatcatcher, and cardinal.
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Tropical Storm Danny with a bullseye on Hardeeville, but not much for anywhere else |