Historic range for elk used to cover most of the Lower
48 states
With the exception of Charles Towne Landing there are no elk
present in the Lowcountry. However, those who value the conservation of elk and
their wildlife habitat are present, and the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation is
reaching out to them. An organizational meeting for the Elk Foundation is
scheduled for February 2 in Charleston in order to set up a local chapter for
big game enthusiasts who rely on public hunting grounds in other states.
make a distinctive call in the wild known as a bugle. This high-pitched and
sustained sound is synonymous with the call of the wild, the kind of noise that
inspires outdoorsmen to pursue trophy game. The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
(RMEF) is fairly new to South Carolina but they have been a mainstay out West
for 30 years, and they are 200,000-members strong. All conservation groups have
come to understand that there is strength in numbers when it comes to natural
resources management decisions.
550 existing chapters, the RMEF raises funds that are used to protect hunting
grounds in a variety of ways. Some off-limits land has been opened to public
elk hunting, while other habitat has been conserved through conservation
easements. “We appreciate these conservation-minded landowners and our
conservation partners who worked with the RMEF to protect and maintain this
crucial habitat for elk and other wildlife,” said Blake Henning, V.P. of Lands
and Conservation at RMEF.
organizational meeting is set for 6:30 p.m. at the Charleston Marriott located
at 170 Lockwood Boulevard, which is across from Brittlebank Park. This hotel
recently renovated its meeting facilities and the RMEF will utilize the Opal I
ballroom. Those who wish to attend can contact Chris Croy, the regional
director for the Carolinas, at his office in Charlotte by calling 704-301-1374.
Chapter members will receive a subscription to the RMEF magazine named Bugle.
already have some RMEF members in the area,” said Crory. “Our mission to ensure
the future of elk, other wildlife and their habitat and we helped restore elk
herds in 28 states, mostly recently in Virginia,” said Crory. “By becoming an
RMEF volunteer at the local level you can share the fun and excitement of
putting on a Big Game Banquet.” The RMEF has been an exhibitor at the
Southeastern Wildlife Expo since 2010 and has been slowly building a network of
supporters who will lead the new chapter.
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