Danielle Worthen, Taylor Hopkins and Debbie Le Gette with SG3 |
Julian Ohmer with Disabled Outfitters and his SG3 gal pals |
The Disabled Outfiiters organization run by Jeff and Julian
Ohmer of Colleton County is known for the deer hunt they conduct each fall. New
for 2013 they expanded the hunting menu for wheelchair bound sportsmen to
include a wild turkey hunt. Ohmer is active in the outdoors industry and
enlisted some turkey guides from a band of female role models with a brand new TV show
titled Southern Girls Got Game. The
turkey hunt in Williams took place the morning of March 16 but without any
hunters completing the harvest of a wild turkey. Friday afternoon brought
plenty of excitement however as the Southern Girls Got Game crew, or SG3,
arrived at hunt camp. These gals are based in South Carolina, and are
proficient with Dead End Turkey Calls, but they needed some time to scout the
woods they would be hunting, and to set up ground blinds for the disabled
hunters. What could be more exciting than having a female turkey guide in your
blind? I
first met the one of the five SG3 gals at the
2012 Hank Parker Invitational
for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes fundraiser. Danielle Worthen, age 13,
was fired up to be shooting a round of sporting clays with Parker and a few of
his celebrity friends like NASCAR legend Cale Yarborough, Nashville singer
Rachel Holder and NFL kicker Ryan Succup. Worthen professed that she was giving
up on her 9-year dance career to made her fame in the outdoors industry.
When Danielle Worthen and I met again at the 2013 Hank Parker Invitational she had
delivered on her promise to become a television star. She introduced me to her
younger co-star Taylor Hopkins, and Debbie Le Gette who is a graduate of
Clemson. Worthen’s father followed their every move with a video camera filming
the Hank Parker event to air on a future episode of SG3. All three gals were
polite and possess the talent to appeal to other outdoors-minded women who
watch their show. And when it comes to the Lowcountry outdoors, I have no doubt that Southern Girls Got Game!
To view the rest of my feature article click on
To view past blog entires about outdoors filming in the Lowcountry click
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