Barn Owl sighting at SEWE |
Winter in the Lowcountry is not the highlight of the birding season. Rather it is the middle ground between fall migrant sightings and the bonanza that is the Neotropical migratory songbird rodeo each Spring. One bird that overwinters here is the American goldfinch, and I recorded them showing up on December 25 and my last sighting was on February 22. One of the birds that signals the end of winter are cedar waxwings, and my first sighting occurred on February 18, and these noisy flocks should stay visible to many for the next month or so - so keep your eyes peeled! I sighted the first robin on February 22. Notably, climactic conditions changed dramatically in February with 10.9 inches of rain falling, making a great big dent in the multi-year drought. Water holes and swamps have been replenished and will welcome spring migrants. Other sightings included dove, cardinal, tufted titmouse, chipping sparrow, carolina chickadee, red-bellied woodpecker, yellow-bellied sapsucker, white-breasted nuthatch, red-breasted nuthatch, downy woodpecker, Carolina wren, hairy woodpecker, mockingbird and blue jay.
High-flying Kite with the Center for Birds of Prey at SEWE |
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