The annual Wild Summer's night banquet and fundraiser took place in Columbia on 8/29/09. A large crowd gathered to support conservation and enjoy some fine eating catered by Tronco's Restaurant. Silent auction items included a wild boar hunt at Bostick Plantation, a week at a Folly Beach rental house, a Montana trout fishing trip, a Get the Kids outdoors package, and in inshore fishing trip in Georgetown. Live auction items included a Bob Harwell custom turkey call, a Vic Odom Knife, a quail hunt at Wing & Point Preserve and a Beaufort vacation for the Outdoor Family - plus much more. As the name states, all sorts of wild game was served including gator tail, quail, venison, catfish and elk - and it was all delicious. Truly, any occasion is a good time to enjoy some wild game supper and thanks to the S.C. Wildlife Federation for making that point so effortlessly while bringing together their supporters in a celebration of the outdoor lifestyle.
Photos By Jeff Dennis: Pat and Layla Mason stand with Barbara Heyward and husband Clinch, the Chairman of the SCWF Board of Directors, SCWF Board member Matt Hill with Charleston-native wife Amy Hill, Kathy Stephens poses with a TriStar Sporting Clays gun donated to the auction by Carolina Rod & Gun