Closing in on 500 blog entries, and completing another long hot summer on the tournament docks, it will soon be time to focus on sporting pursuits in the field (with some saltwater mixed in). It seems the real message from the fishing folks, of which I am one, is that it's a good thing to involve our youth in fishing and it's also a good thing to promote our sporting heritage in a positive fashion. Allen Mahaffey wrote Lowcountry Outdoors to say, "I have four kids and I try to get them all interested in the outdoors, especially the way things are nowadays, thanks for what you do and good fishin' to you." Brent Williams wrote Lowcountry Outdoors and said, "Thank you for the work you've done and the work you continue to do for marine and wildlife conservation." If readers continue to request more Lowcountry Outdoors coverage, then we might be... 'just getting started.'
PhotosByJeffDennis: Coleman Jenkins won the youth angler honors at FFM and his father Carl wrote Lowcountry Outdoors and said, "We had hoped to have someone dockside to snap some shots, but that didn't work out, so yours are the only ones available. Thanks for sharing the photo, and I know a certain seven-year old who will be thrilled."
Seventeen-year old Alexis Roberts at FFM with a 13.5-pound king mackerel
PhotoByPeteLoy: The only Blue Marlin release at the Edisto Gov. Cup was on Lil' Bit
PhotoByChampSmith: Blair Wiggins, the Mogan man from Addcitive Fishing, and Lowcountry Outdoors teaming up on the redfish!
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