Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Birding Journal Observations / March - April 2013

Two pair of goldfinches on April 13
Spring has barely broken ground in the Lowcountry as I write this blog entry. The calendar reads May 1, and the woodland green-up has occurred, and the crops are planted, but a cool damp spirit hovers over the land. It has been a wet spring, one that has helped to relieve the droughty conditions, as reported by SCDNR. In my observations, this year's weather condensed the migratory birding window somewhat. Not much happened until late April, and then it was Katy Barred the Door for birding observations. The most pleasantly surprising story for me involves the late departure of the goldfinches this year, likely due to the cooler weather. Usually they are long gone back North before their yellow plumage turns into the crisp gold coloration from which they derive their name. However, 2013 was the year that allowed me to make the quality goldfinch photos and memories that birders cherish! It was March 11 when I saw the first yellow-throated warbler of the season, flitting along with some yellow-rumped warblers. On March 15 I saw the first swallow-tailed kite of the season, and observed him in the same place for three straight days. 2013 has been another strong year for kites in S.C. as I continue to see them throughout the Lowcountry. My first ruby-throated hummingbird sighting was on April 13 - and they are always welcome to summer at my feeders. April 18 marked the dramatic entry of the blue grosbeak, two of them in fact! That same day the secretive yellow-billed cuckoo was heard making his call in the bushes behind the garden. Cedar waxwings were intermittent as usual but I marked them down for April 19. It was April 22 when the first male painted bunting came to visit, and I had many confirmed sightings of them on or around this exact date. Rounding out my bevy of blue-colored avian friends was the Indigo bunting on April 30 - and don't forget my blue jay and common blue bird too! My first towhee was observed on April 30.
Other sightings include cardinal, downy woodpecker, chipping sparrow, tufted titmouse, red-bellied woodpecker, dove, brown thrasher, carolina wren, mockingbird, tufted titmouse, yellow-bellied sapsucker, white-breasted nuthatch, brown-headed cowbird, red-breasted nuthatch, white-throated sparrow, carolina chickadee, hairy woodpecker, pileated woodpecker, and grey-headed catbird,

To view past Lowcountry Birding Journal Observations click here.

To view past Birding Journal Observations from March / April click 2014, 2012, 2011, 2010 or 2009.

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