Everyone should know about the fine art, photos and writings of Gray's Sporting Journal. In order to raise awareness about what I view to be an excellent publication I'll share the electronic edition of the 2010 Fly-Fishing issue here. The 2011 edition is on news stands now.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Gray's Sporting Journal - 2010 Fly-Fishing Issue
Everyone should know about the fine art, photos and writings of Gray's Sporting Journal. In order to raise awareness about what I view to be an excellent publication I'll share the electronic edition of the 2010 Fly-Fishing issue here. The 2011 edition is on news stands now.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
2011 Lowcountry Redfish Cup - Beaufort

The first of four Lowcountry Redfish Cup events slated for 2011 was fished on Saturday Feb. 26. Windy and overcast conditions greeted the 55-boat fleet, but by noon the sun came out, the temperature warmed up to nearly 80-degrees and the redfish began to bite. Many teams that had caught no fish in the morning began to put a few in the livewell, with one angler telling me that he actually weighed in one fish that he caught just ten minute before the 3 p.m. deadline. The two-man teams are required to weigh-in their fish while still alive, so that they may be released to fight again another day. The tournament awarded cash prizes to the top five finishers plus they paid $1500 for the biggest fish weighed in and they recognized the top youth angler. Congratulations to Team 2 Reds of Beaufort for winning the first leg of the 2011 LRC.
To view past blog entires from the 2010 Lowcountry Redfish Cup click here.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Home Place game preserve hunt
The end of quail season is just about here, and this year's season has been a great one hunting over my own English Setter. But for the season's last hurrah Scott Whittaker and I visited the Home Place preserve in Western Colleton County, which is in the ACE Basin. This section of Colleton County has pretty uplands that host longleaf regeneration and broomstraw, which completes a pretty picture for bird hunters to pursue Gentleman Bob. Hunting over two English pointers and two English setters we watched the dogs circle, work and wind the birds until we had our two-man limit secured by lunchtime, using a Beretta 28-gauge and an Ithaca 20-gauge. A cool start gave way to a warm mid-day which is one way mother nature signals the end of the quail season. Thanks to Mt. Pleasant's Madison Howell for showing us a quality time at his preserve.
To view more end of season quail hunt reports click here.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Third time 'Round The Horn for Van Liew

Brad Van Liew must be loving the Third Leg of the Velux 5 Oceans race, since he continues to be in the lead, and since he has successfully rounded Cape Horn for the third time in his career. He writes in his blog that he witnessed a picture perfect moment, in 20 knot winds, as he saw the rock outcropping in sunset's spendor - making a new mental memory for the veteran sailor.
Monday, February 21, 2011
2011 SEWE Sunday photos
PhotosByJeffDennis: Lowcountry Outdoors has it on good authority that this is a 'fox' that was let loose by the face painters in Marion Square; The Carolina Dock Dogs traveled here from N.C. and made it to the Finals of the competition; Wood carving demos were just one part of the exhibits in Brittlebank Park
Sunday, February 20, 2011
2011 SEWE & Soiree
Day Two of SEWE saw sunny and warm weather continue to usher in large crowds of like-minded wildlife enthusiasts. The Gaillard Auditorium saw steady traffic for vendors like the S.C. Knifemaker's display and the DuBarry boots booth. Day Two ends with the famed SEWE Soiree which is never disappointing.
Friday, February 18, 2011
2011 SEWE DU Oyster Roast

Thursday, February 17, 2011
2011 SEWE Kick Off & Gala / HALEY video

The 2011 Southeastern Wildlife Exposition kicked off on Wednesday night with a reception at the Mills House Hotel and a wild game dinner at Hall's Chop House, which will be serving its meat dishes with their signature hospitality all weekend long - because SEWE kicks off a wild weekend of celebration at Hall's. A special preview afternoon artwork viewing for VIP's was conducted Thursday followed by the SEWE black tie Gala, which was attended by Governor Nikki Haley. The three full days of the Expo will run Friday, Saturday and Sunday - and the weather this year is sure to attract outdoor enthusiasts in record numbers. Just think, it was snowing at the DU oyster roast this time last year!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
2011 LOLT Annual Meeting & Silver Moon
The 25th anniversary celebration of the Lowcountry Open Land Trust began on Feb. 15th with the 2011 Annual Meeting at the newly refurbished Dock Street Theatre. The theme for the year will be the Silver Moon Anniversary - with events like the annual picnic set for LOLT members on March 12 at Lavington Plantation, and a Silver Moon Gala to be announced later this Fall. The LOLT conservationists saw Mayor Joe Riley recognized for his work 25 years ago to steward protection of marshy vistas and hummocks that are now considered essential to the appeal and mystique of the Holy City. "Easements are permanent gifts to one another to preserve what others may take for granted," said Riley. LOLT accepted 10 easements in 2010 totaling 2,144-acres of protected land. Interim Executive Director Elizabeth Hagood recognized outgoing board members and welcomed new Board Chair Batson Hewitt. Hewitt announced that he would bring new urgency to the LOLT efforts in 2011 and that a new Silver Moon level of giving, set at $25,000, would be instilled and that LOLT already had three such donors. LOLT is ranked behind national organizations The Nature Conservancy and Ducks Unlimited in total number of acres protected in SC, but they continue to play a significant role in raising awareness about conservation in the Lowcountry Outdoors!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Edisto River Snipe Hunt

Walking in rice fields that are still wet after being drained recently, a local hunting party was able to target some 'February birds' - the common snipe. This shorebird-looking gamebird is drawn to the fresh mud in order to probe it with its long bill, and hunters are drawn to try and match their wingshooting prowess against the whirling dervish flight of the snipe. Hip boots are recommended so as not to get wet when stepping in a quarter-drain or gator hole, and I used the BoggTogg hipper. Walking in a skirmish line the hunters were able to stir up the snipe and harvest some of these birds that are less than the size of a dove. The traditional hunting of doves, ducks, quail and turkey may yield a bigger bird, but the actual thrill of the snipe hunt is equal to these pursuits - and thus a worthy endeavor.
To view past blog entries about shore birds in shallow water click here.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Quail Hunt at Airy Hall Plantation
Most of the way down Bennett's Point Road, deep in the heart of ACE Basin territory, rests Airy Hall Plantation. Approximately 1600 acres of land and impoundments along the Ashepoo River, this property has remained intact for over 200 years. The live oak allee runs between the Georgian style brick plantation house and the matching horse stable.
Horses have always played an important role at Airy Hall with a special emphasis in modern history on polo and fox hunting. A saturday sunshine that helped to reveal the splendor of Airy Hall greeted the bird hunters that assembled to search for gentleman Bob. Not one but two English setters were on point and a lively boykin spaniel was on back-up duty.
S.C. Representative Chip Limehouse made the most of his time in the field by demonstrating that he is a fair wingshot, but he also shared gunning time with friends September Welborn and Charleston City Councilman Tim Mallard. Afterwards, the hunting party relaxed and ate lunch by the pool and reflected on their day in Colleton County, which was once known as St. Bartholomew's Parish.
To view a video of Airy Hall click here.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
2011 CCA State Convention
PhotosByJeffDennis: Each table at dinner had a tailing redfish decoration on it - nice touch!; Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Bedell came down from Columbia for the CCA State Convention; a surf board is a good example of the unique and one of a kind items offered at the Hall of Fame banquet; the East Cooper chapter was just one of the chapters competing in the Team Cook Off on Friday night and here are Brad and Don Tate with CCA webmaster John Gourdin
Friday, February 11, 2011
Wright and McGill Signature Fishing Equipment
For 85 years Wright & McGill Co, has been considered a leader in the production of high quality sport fishing equipment. Whether your passion is dry flies on mountain streams or salt waters charged with beefy redfish, Wright & McGill bring experience and creativity to their craft.
From the mosquito lagoon in Florida a tournament champion angler sought out Wright and McGill in hopes of creating a light and sensitive rod and reel combo. The S-Curve technology Blair Wiggins Signature Series Rods and Sabalos reels are the result of that salty search.
The rod blank is made of a T-glass core wrapped with carbon tape and a layer of high-density graphite. Lightweight stainless steel guides with zirconium rings won’t crack or groove when used with the new braided lines. A custom split cork foregrip allows for fingertip access to the rod blank, providing more sensitivity to fish strikes, and an oversized rod butt won’t rub anglers wrong.
“I asked the designers at Wright and McGill to bring me a rod that would not spook fish in clear, skinny water, and they came up with the Flats Blue camo my rods are painted with,” Capt. Blair Wiggins said. The blue color is said to blend in with the sky when viewed from a piscatorial perspective, giving anglers added stealth when in close proximity.
The signature rods come in seven different models and can be matched with any of the four different Sabalos spinning reels. The reel’s all aluminum body will sneer at saltwater corrosion and the ultra smooth front drag system utilizes a dual disc system. The spare spool for the reel is also made of aluminum, further demonstrating the Wright & McGill quest for quality.
When Wiggins was in the Lowcountry in August for the filming of an episode of his Addictive Fishing television show, he demonstrated the S-curve signature rods. “These new rods are super-light but the carbon and Kevlar wrap makes it super strong,” Wiggins said. “The benefit of a light rod is that you can cast artificial lures with it all day and not get fatigued.”
“With the split cork foregrip you can put your thumb right on the rod blank if your rod is upright while jigging,” Wiggins said. Fishing with Captain Champ Smith Wiggins caught a 34-inch redfish, which is the size that earned Wiggins the name Mogan Man.
His Mogan Tour is visiting different locations of Dick’s Sporting Goods, his retail partner, to show the Flats Blue camo rods to his fans. Wright and McGill produces the fishing equipment that Wiggins uses, and Wiggins supplies the likeable personality that makes this combo the reel deal. Click here to view the commercial.Thursday, February 10, 2011
Scottish tradition woven into BraeVal shirts

Wednesday, February 9, 2011
'Hill Boys' take down late season Canada Geese
Late season waterfowl hunting always comes down to the special goose season that is tacked on after duck season finishes. Scouting is always a key to reveal where the Canada Geese are gathering in order to help increase odds of success when a hunt is called. Setting up on a small pond with two Big Foot floater goose decoys on a Rig 'Em Right jerk cord, the three gunners took up their positions in the reeds. When the first group of geese were heard honking well beyond the tree line, I blew my Foiles Migrators goose call at them and before long they made a pass towards the pond, saw the dekes and locked up. Comer Morrison took the lead goose out and the flock turned to pass over Julian Clark, armed with his double-barrel shotgun, was able to take down two geese with two shots, and then I was able to clean up the fourth goose. What a hunt! Seven more geese came into the decoys without sounding off - it's true that geese usually honk, but sometimes Canada geese will simply come in silent - this is a natural fact. The Hill Boys from Rose Hill, Spring Hill and Snipe Hill managed to thin out two more singles and called it a day. Two more geese would come to land on the pond while we were packing up our gear and gathering our game to clean - but we left them 'for seed.'
To view past blog entries about late goose season click here.