Hunting quail with my English Setter in the bird woods |
Cheers to 2012 - such a good year! This final blog entry for 2012 closes the books on four years of stories on LowcountryOutdoors.com!! I am thankful for the additional 52 blog followers that chose to join up in 2012, keeping up with my writings, photography and field notes. As the mission statement on my
home page states, I hope to show that hunting and fishing are honorable traditions by providing positive examples to the general public. Of course, I could not execute that mission without the help of my friends and fellow outdoor enthusiasts who seek me out to share their accomplishments. Building relationships that are forged in a common love for the outdoors makes me hopeful that these partnerships will continue for many years to come! Honor, integrity and loyalty are important to me!! I receive lots of queries from those that are new to the Lowcountry, wishing to draw on my lifetime of experience about how best to proceed with their outdoor endeavors, and I am glad to help them. One Lowcountry 'newbie' harvested a BIG buck in 2012, to click through and review the big buck history on my blog click
here. As a lifelong saltwater angler, the lure of the spartina marsh and its tributaries will always be a component of my character, so look for my Lowcountry Saltwater Fishing Reports to continue, along with tournament coverage and catches of note. A special salute goes out to those at SCDNR who do their best to serve the general public where it concerns biology, management and rules and regulations. SCDNR understands that recruitment of new hunters and anglers is important for the future, and I am glad to share their
link about the upcoming special hunt days on January 4 and 5. I am looking forward to working hard in 2013, with each new outdoor foray an opportunity to experience a bit more of the wonders of the Lowcountry Outdoors.
To view past blog entries with my New Year's Toast click