The tenth annual D.O.A. Writer's Festival was held recently at River Palm fish camp in Jensen Beach Florida. From that port we were able to fish the Indian River and the St. Lucie River, including some wade-fishing in a spoil area near Boy Scout Island. The early morning start on 8/17 included a special treat as the space shuttle launched from Cape Canaveral (space coast) some 80 miles north giving anglers in our area (treasure coast) a spectacular view of perhaps the final shuttle launch! Captain Mark Nichols told me that D.O.A. lures started in 1989 and that his heaviest snook ever weighed 35-pounds and measured 49-inches in length and had a girth of 27-inches. My first ever snook was a more run-of-the-mill 18-inch snook, but the glow quarter-ounce D.O.A. shrimp I was fishing was destined to catch something even more special - a hybrid known as a 'tarpon snook.' Wade fishing in the southernmost section of the Indian River Lagoon next to Sailfish Point, Captain Nichols was able to demonstrate what an experienced angler can catch on a D.O.A. shrimp - reeling in a 25-pound snook.
For more blog coverage from 2009 DOA camp click here.
To view past blog entries from the DOA Writers Event click 2017 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 -2010
To view past blog entries from the DOA Writers Event click 2017 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 -2010
Photo by Jeff Dennis: Captain Mark Nichols of D.O.A. lures with his 25-pound snook caught while wade-fishing near Boy Scout Isalnd; Photo By David Sikes: outdoor writer Jeff Dennis (and Capt. Nichols) with his first ever snook caught in the St. Lucie River
VIDEO: Captain Mark Nichols reels in a tarpon snook and explains what makes them unique
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