The Inaugural Carolina Billfish Classic (www.FishCBC.com) makes its debut in Georgetown, Charleston and Hilton Head. A live video feed from Georgetown at the 7 p.m. Captain's meeting at the Charleston Harbor Resort and Marina gave the feeling that the entire coast of S.C. was part of this Gov. Cup event. Boats from G'town will fish North, boat from HHI will fish South and boats from Chas. will fish straight out. Any legal to keep blue marlin must come to the SCDNR scales in Charleston while meatfish may be weighed at any of the three ports. The CBC is under new leadership this year with Deidre Menfee serving as the tournament director. Weigh-in will be held from 5 to 8 each day with a 'beach party' to follow - so plan to come down the docks to see the fish and then to stay for an evening of fellowship. Several vendors are set up including www.bluewatershirtclub.com with their offshore shirt of the month club, and the Southeastern Wildlife Exposition with their fine sporting art. Fifty boats are all set to fish the CBC, which is the third leg f the S.C. Governor's Cup Billfishing Series.
PhotosByJeffDennis: Artist Larry Rackley from Alabama (www.yellowfingallery.com) is just one example of the fine exhibitors on hand at the CBC; anglers assemble for the captain's meeting; Harbormaster Stan Jones speaks while Deidre Menefee, Amy Dukes, 'Walleye' Jenkins and Capt. Garmany listen
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