Fishing Report for the Coastal Lowcountry of South Carolina:
Blackfin Tuna on Ice |
Offshore Report: Scott Hammond at Haddrell's Point West says that the time has finally come! A beautiful string of good weather days has come together in such a way that bluewater anglers taking trips offshore once again. A handful of blackfin tuna are being picked up in 150 to 300-feet of water, which signals the start of the spring trolling season. One regular customer reported five wahoo being caught along the ledge too. Bottom fishing in 60 to 80-feet keeps producing black sea bass for the grill, and plenty of porgies and b-liners. Closer to shore along our nearshore reefs, fishing with fiddler crabs has produces some nice black drum and sheepshead in 30 to 60-feet of water. To view the latest seminar information visit the Internet at
Haddrell's Point.
Inshore Report: The redfish are responding to the sunshine according to Scott, and are chomping down baits with regularity. Along the shallow mud flats, try sight casting a Savage Crab or live mud minnow to schooling redfish. Sheepshead continue to feed on live fiddler crabs, clams and oysters fished around bridge pilings and rock piles in 10 to 20-feet of water. The sheepshead bite should only get better as springtime sets in and water temps climb just a bit. A short drive inland and anglers can still find a strong shad bit in the tailrace canal using small curlytail grubs and 1/6-ounce Zman jighead.
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