Sunday, February 9, 2025

2025 South Carolina Master Naturalist Program - Advanced Training

The popular Master Naturalist program is an educational class available to the public at six locations across the state. The Clemson Extension serves as the partner for each local program, giving them an online database to log volunteer hours in the future. In order to become a South Carolina Master Naturalist, more training is required and must take place in a different biogeographical region than where your home chapter is located. The pursuit of a statewide certification is not for everyone, but for many Master Naturalists this higher level of advanced training is a natural progression.

The six local chapters for Master Naturalist are Charleston, Winyah, Midlands, Catawba, Upstate and the yours truly graduated from the Lowcountry Chapter at Spring Island. Andy Jones is the Director of the Spring Island Trust and recently led an advanced training class about the History of the Coastal Plain, with a three-day field class stopping at Congaree National Park, Santee National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) and Beidler Forest. The attendees were Master Naturalist graduates from outside of the coastal plain region, seeking the 32-hours required to become a South Carolina Master Naturalist.

To view the feature article in the Post and Courier click on Tideline.

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