Magnificent Frigatebird overhead on May 28 |
May and June saw the return of hot and tropical weather, with T.S. Alberto brushing the Lowcountry during the Memorial Day holiday. Record rainfall in May means
no drought status for the first time in two years. Flowers and insects enjoy these warmer conditions and hence backyards birds are seen a little less at feeders, with the exception of peak feeding times. Fresh water in bird baths can be a powerful attractor during a three-day stretch of hot and dry weather.
On May 28 I saw a Magnificent Frigatebird flying between
Seabrook Island and Deveaux Bank the morning after tropical weather pushed through overnight.
On June 1 I saw my first swallow-tailed kite of the 2018 season in Colleton County.
Other birding observations from May / June 2018 include painted bunting, ruby-throated hummingbird, cardinal, dove, downy woodpecker, summer tanager, brown-headed cowbird, brown thrasher, Carolina chickadee, blue grosbeak, blue jay, great-crested flycatcher, red-bellied woodpecker, red-headed woodpecker, white-breasted nuthatch, towhee, bluebird and tufted titmouse.
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